Ramtha: Importance of Creating the Coming Year, 2010

December 2009

“My beloved master, greetings and salutations to you. I am your teacher Ramtha, indeed, and it is high holidays here in the great Pacific Northwest.

 “I am here to tell you to come to create your year — perhaps the most important year yet — 2010. You have had enough great knowledge and training to understand that you can create reality. The reality of 2010 has to include quantum leaps of growth in you, because unless you grow and indeed your mind becomes more expansive, then the future of 2010 will take you down. You come and learn and be inspired by what you learn to create a destiny that will last the whole of the year and begin to change the dimensions of your presence here.

 “You know that we create reality with all the disciplines, all the focus, all that you have learned to do, marvelous entity, and now we have to take the training to make you survive a year, and the year that is coming. Come and join this great audience. The numbers become important, for the group consciousness creating a future is absolute. Come, bring an open mind, a joy to live in the future, and a fearless passion, and we will make it so. A grand 2010 to you!

 “So be that.”

— Ramtha

December 2009

Event Information: 


Excerpt from: Ramtha’s Invitation to Create Your Year, 2010. Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment.

Copyright © 2009 JZ Knight.

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