Ramtha on Remote-Viewing and Knowing the Future

March 2009

“When students were learning how to do sending-and-receiving, the sending partner created an image in the frontal lobe. As the sending partner created the image, the receiving partner focused on their partner’s face and held their face in their frontal lobe. As they held their face in the frontal lobe, what their partner was doing was brought to the attention of the midbrain and behind their face appeared an image. They drew the image, and look how many of them got it correct. It is called reading someone else’s mind. Are you impressed?

“Would you be impressed if I told you that the sending partner could create the most difficult mathematical equation and it didn’t matter if the receiving partner knew math at all? All they would have to do is focus on their partner’s face and know the answer. And they do it. You should be impressed, because what happens when you develop this faculty? What can you not know?”

— Ramtha

May 1997

“The reason we get information ahead of time is because we have a pause in the frontal lobe, which means that the computer program isn’t running continuously in the neocortex. Someone has pushed the pause button on the neocortex. That causes a blank screen to appear in the frontal lobe.  As soon as we have a blank screen, the brain automatically moves to the next level, which is always the midbrain. Then you will get a flash. In a moment you will see something. You will see it not with these eyes but see it with the brain. Remember, I told you that it is not the eyes that see; it is the brain that sees.”

“Psychic people are psychic because they have developed an ability from early childhood to be still and quiet. A trance state is a self-willed state. The trance state means stilling or paralyzing the sensory perception in the neocortex. When you do, the next level opens up in the brain and you start to get information. How many of you understand? So be it. And is it possible to change precognitive experiences? Yes, it is.”

— Ramtha

August 1996

Excerpts from: Ramtha, In the Beginning. Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment. May 3-4, 1997. Copyright © 1997 JZ Knight,

and Ramtha, The Mystical Brain. Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment. August 13, 1996. Copyright © 1996 JZ Knight 

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