Christmas Wishes from Ramtha, 2005

December 2005

“Give and give and give, and find that which no one would see to give to. And love everyone. Love them because we are all Gods on a journey.”

“Well, if you are feeling that wonderful, that happy, that giving, that thrilling, why should it always be at December? And don’t you wish you felt this kind, this good, this joyful, this sweet, this beautiful every day?”

“And so Christmas to me isn’t so much all the gifts underneath — what the globes manifest underneath the tree — but its reunion of good friends and great food and great fires and great conversation and warmness of understanding that protects us from the cold, all great archetypes for a great mind.”

“You know, life is the gift of nature, but a lovingly beautiful life is the gift of wisdom. I tell you this life is but a passing moment but what you really are is eternal.”

“Merry Christmas.”

“May all your dreams come true.”

“Peace on Earth.

Peace reign supreme

from my little hovel,

you would say,

as the smoke is chucking

out of the chimney,

and the curtains are pulled back

to reveal bright candles and flames

that cast their golden glow

over midnight-blue snow,

and that joy and a heartfelt song

in their desolate area is created.”


“When we create it in our life,

when we take on

the greatest reason that we are here

is that we are the path

— the path is unlimited-fold;

you are the path, the way, the light

— that when you come to peace,

when you have created to wisdom

your emotional knowledge,

you set the stage in life

for only the wisest

next generation to come,

and they will never have to go through

what you have gone through.”


“And isn’t the saying

so there shall be peace on Earth

as there is in heaven? 

So those who come down,

come down into a place

to which sleep is not troubled by conscience,

food is not judged good or bad,

and sweet laughter,

if only with mistletoe

and a bit of red ribbon,

warms our heart

as the great Star of Bethlehem

hangs over our snow-covered cottage.”


“To peace on Earth.”

— Ramtha


(From: Christmas Events. Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment. Copyright © 2005 JZ Knight)

Posted: June 25th, 2010 - Ramtha

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