Ramtha: Being Prepared for Change

October 2005

“The important issue of preparedness I taught many years ago is that I asked for all of the people who would listen to put up food and to become sovereign and to have lots of water but to have it out of the ground, and to put up food for all of those concerned in your life, and to be sovereign — utterly sovereign — to save your clothing and to put it up, and to work towards a point that regardless of what would happen with the world you could continue to sustain yourself. Now that is not a new teaching. That happened many years ago in your time. But it is still important because the times that I spoke about are already here and are unfolding.”

— Ramtha

September 1993

(Excerpt from: Taking the Journey Inward, September 16, 1993. Ramtha Dialogues®, Tape 9322 ed.)

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