Ramtha’s Recommendations for Sovereignty – for everyone

Move out of the cities and away from the water. Acquire as much as you can of the following items in order to be self-sufficient and not dependent upon social or governmental services:

1. Food, food, food — as much as you can. Acquire at least two years per person.
Grow your own food and put it up – and even on a small parcel if you live in the cities.

2. Water from a well on land in the country, tested annually for quality, and stored in quantity.

3. Nonelectrical tools of all kinds.

4. Nonhybrid seeds of all varieties.

5. Winter clothes, boots, sturdy shoes.

6. Small parcel of land in a rural area away from the cities with a well.

Note: Ramtha also mentioned in the mid-1980s to have a small amount of gold and silver coins stored — but not have that in a bank vault, which could become inaccessible.

Posted: March 31st, 2011 - Featured Articles, Preparedness, Ramtha, Sovereignty

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