Eighteen Month Research Project on JZ & Ramtha Released

In 1996 and 1997, a team of 18 researchers studied JZ, Ramtha and the School students. Eight standardized physiological, psychological and behavioral tests were administered repeatedly on JZ and six long-time students. The scientific conference, entitled In Search of Self: The Role of Consciousness in the Construction of Reality held in Yelm, Washington, examined the results of the research. “[JZ Knight] is not a fraud,” said team leader Dr. Stanley Krippner, psychologist and leading parapsychology researcher in the USA. Following the conference, Dr. Stanley Krippner and Dr. Ian Wickramasekera published a paper in 1998 entitled The Ramtha Phenomenon: Psychological, Phenomenological, and Geomagnetic Data in the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, volume 92. However, they did not include the physiological data.

A new paper is now available online: Sympathetic Reactivity During Meditation by Joan H. Hageman, Ph.D., Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., Ian Wickramasekera II, Psy.D. in Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine. Volume 19. Number 2.

Read more from JZ Knight’s website.

The study can be accessed at the following link: Click here

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