“The Lost Gospel of Judas Iscariot:
A New Look at Betrayer and Betrayed” –
Ramtha on Judas

– Book: “The Lost Gospel of Judas Iscariot: A New Look at Betrayer and Betrayed”
“A leading historian of the early church, Bart Ehrman, offers the first comprehensive account of the newly discovered Gospel of Judas, revealing what this legendary lost gospel contains and why it is so important for our understanding of Christianity.

Ehrman describes how he first saw the Gospel of Judas–surprisingly, in a small room above a pizza parlor in a Swiss town near Lake Geneva–and he recounts the fascinating story of where and how this ancient papyrus document was discovered, how it moved around among antiquities dealers in Egypt, the United States, and Switzerland, and how it came to be restored and translated. More important, Ehrman gives the reader a complete and clear account of what the book teaches and he shows how it relates to other Gospel texts–both those inside the New Testament and those outside of it, most notably, the Gnostic texts of early Christianity. Finally, he describes what we now can say about the historical Judas himself as well as his relationship with Jesus, suggesting that one needs to read between the lines of the early Gospels to see exactly what Judas did and why he did it.

The Gospel of Judas presents an entirely new view of Jesus, his disciples, and the man who allegedly betrayed him. It raises many questions and Bart Ehrman provides illuminating and authoritative answers, in a book that will interest anyone curious about the New Testament, the life of Jesus, and the history of Christianity after his death,” quoting
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– Dr. Bart Ehrman will be opening the Fall Follow-up in Yelm November 6, 2013 sharing his knowledge of his research. Read more
Click here to purchase your book for Dr. Ehrman’s book signing.

– Ramtha on Judas Iscariot
“The one that financed the organization, as it were, was a wonderful master by the name of Judas Iscariot. He was perhaps the most educated of all of them. He had great wealth in his family. He was unmarried, and Yeshua ben Joseph completely amazed him. Judas, when Yeshua spoke to him, would twinkle in Yeshua’s eye, for he loved him greatly.

Judas Iscariot worked with what you would term an underground army. He worked with the zealots to help free them from the oppression — or so was thought — of Roman rule within the kingdoms of Judea and of Israel. He helped finance this organization.

If you would have entered into Jerusalem from any of its gates, you would have seen it lined with many crosses and many entities upon them — rebels they were called. If they were caught, they were put to death through crucifixion, perhaps the most defiling, humbling death there is. And though Judas Iscariot was heavy with the deaths of these young rebels, he still believed in the freedom of his country from the Caesars who ruled it.”
– Ramtha
“Story of Jesus” tape

Posted: July 18th, 2013 - Featured Articles, News Headlines, Ramtha

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