Student Accomplishments:
Michelle Horkings attributes RSE training to healing –
before/after medical documentation support her work

Michelle Horkings on the ferry approaching Seattle

“My name is Michelle Horkings-Brigham.
I have been an RSE student for 25 years.
I have always valued the disciplines and used them to assist me on many occasions, but their impact and power has never been so needed and obvious to me as with my recent experience.

In January 2012 I entered menopause.
I was 50 years young.
Six months later, not enjoying the “change of life” experience, I was inspired by Ramtha’s summer Assay and became determined to reverse my body’s aging.
In January 2013 my menstrual cycle re-started and to top it off my husband and I were astonished when only a few weeks later I discovered I was pregnant! A dream I had focused on for many years.

For several exciting weeks we were ecstatic about my pregnancy. Then came the news, following an ultrasound at 8 weeks, that my pregnancy was not viable and would require D&C surgery to remove the tissue. From the pathology test done at the time of surgery my HCG levels (human chorionic gonadotropin) ,which is the pregnancy hormone, were at 94,302 and it was determined I had actually had what is called a “Molar Pregnancy” or Gestational Trophoblastic Disease, due to faulty DNA. Molar pregnancies occur in approximately 1 in 1,000 pregnancies in the US and Europe, mostly in older women and those younger than 20. I knew I created this because for many years I had so much wanted to have a child and my body did the best it could to follow my mind.”
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Click here for Before & After medical documentation.

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