Rory Sagner uses RSE training for another photo award

Rory Sagner
Photo credit: Rory Sagner Photography and Fine Art

Following on her award-winning photography work and newspaper write-ups last year reported here on the RSE-Newsletter, Rory Sagner begins 2014 with more recognition for her work.
Here is Rory’s story in her own words:

“My first wonderful manifestation of 2014 was VERY early on New Year’s morning, at 12:03am. Just after I finished working for over 7 hours on submissions to an international photography contest, the deadline for which was midnight, I got an email notification that one of my photos had gotten an Honorable Mention (in the top ten winners) in the Light, Space & Time online Gallery Seasons contest…photography division. This was my first time submitting an entry to one of their contests…so very happy about it!
Click here for the link to the photography winners page (scroll down).

‘I have always been a winner…in ALL ways!’
The funny thing is that I really knew that at least one of my two entries would win…I could “feel” it during my Neighborhood Walk®.

I have been focusing on “thank you God for my creative genius projects!”
I am excited about my God manifesting a vehicle for me to use my skills in a way that will be uplifting to others…and something unique in photography projects is what I am specifically asking for at the moment. I desire for it to be something that will demonstrate the interconnectedness of all humanity…and all life. The “Oneness.”

Most of my time and energy is going to help my mom right now, but I know this year is going to be awesome for my work as well!

A Joyous, Healthy, Abundant, Loving Year for you and all your loved ones!”

Rory Sagner’s award winning photo, The Way Home
Photo courtesy: Rory Sagner

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