Student Accomplishments:
Sally Mysko casino wins earn event tuition

Sally Mysko

Sally Mysko from Alberta, Canada describes how she won the funds to pay for her Divine Jazz Event in March 2014. Here is her story in her own words.

“I want to share with you my experience at this event
This is the first time in 14 years as a student that I have really received and accepted the Ram.
I was running away from truth.
This morning (March 30, 2014), the coverup was revealed and I have seen my lies.
I have been doing the Neighborhood Walk® that, “I have always been truthful and honest,” and so I got Ram’s runner.

Something in my soul has opened and I feel a peace.
I realize I have not been living my dreams and it’s about time to start making a plan with clear intent
It’s been difficult to write this and to say truth without my imagination wanting to go wild in my own self-deceptive favor.
I do however realize my acceptance is only going to grow and grow into a great future.

I love this school, there is nothing like it.!

I also manifested the money for this event at the casino $2,000 CAD ($1,810 USD) on Wednesday, March 26th prior to the event start.
Previous to that, I won at least $8,000 CAD ($7,240 USD) in jackpots over several days.

What I have learned from this is that when I was getting addicted to the money, I was the wish and not the genie and I would lose. When I was in the win, I had no ulterior motive.”

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