Student Accomplishments:
Kitty McKim on giving up expectation to persevere

Kitty McKim

Kitty McKim shares her story of never giving up and persevering to achievement:
“So after major losses earlier in the month, went back to the casino – no expectation – no guilt, no regret,

Just played, got $300 ahead and decided to leave – major!!!!!!!
The discipline for me was not winning, but leaving 🙂

Went to the ‘Green Machine’ put in $20 (not a “normal” machine I play)
played $3.00 – 2nd and 3rd row – got $5.00 and 5.00, total $10
Lightheartedly I said, cool! Spin again!
1st row – $1,000 third row $`1,000
I looked, I was stunned – blue screen “Jackpot – call attendant” – my brain short circuited!
I had focused on this square blue symbol (Jackpot) since February 2013 but had given it up.

I thought nothing!
Never thought to have my picture taken, didn’t think anything!
Was not after a jackpot, that day! Just enjoy, and leave.

It was like when I won $1,200 on Keno last year – so wanted to go to the Celebration w/Ram, thought nothing of it, and,,,,,checking my keno ticket (not my normal game) it was $1,200. My friend urged me to write in my story at that time, however I did not, because I lost a bit of money before then.
Guilt was still with me then.
Not this time! I ‘let it go.’

But since, what I realized is:
I’ve been doing my Neighborhood Walk® adamantly since the South Korea Divine Jazz event in early May.
I walk, ‘I have always been a winner.’ and see a graphic of St. George fighting the dragon.

To me, ‘I have always been the winner of the good fight’

I’m a thoughtsmith, and with this win out of the blue, this is just like getting your card. I focused until I had 20 $100 bills in my hand and still went “WHAT”? And so I still go, What? Not Why? That is evolution for myself! And as JZ said w/Ingrid, it was “so clean”.
I had let go and now know my new neuronet!

As Ram always says ‘JUST DO IT’ and to me conquering myself is it!

I thank my teacher Ramtha and JZ for their infinite patience and love.
And I thank my divine spirit for always supplying in a most wondrous surprising, without ‘my’ input, way!

P. S. They gave me $100 in twenties and put them in front in my picture, lol, rather than the ‘Benjamins,’ that just shows you where I was at.

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