2 RSE student “Kid Actors, Parents Enjoyed Summerstruck Theater Program”

“The Summerstruck production of “Annie Meets the Monsters” was a hit with the audience
and actors alike this past Monday [July 14] at The Triad Theater. The children’s summer theater program
is part of Standing Room Only Theater Company under the direction of Nancy Hillman.”
Photo credit: Kathryn Cullum / Nisqually Valley News

RSE students Lyra Van Dusen, 11 and Chambolion Fairley, 14, and Tahsis Fairley, 11 were recently covered by the Yelm newspaper for their performances in Nancy Hillman’s Summerstruck Theater Program.

From the July 17, 2014 edition of the Nisqually Valley News
By Kathryn Cullum

“Presented by Summerstruck Theater Program and Standing Room Only Theater Company, the opening act of “Annie Meets the Monsters” at the Triad Theater Monday night [July 14] set the stage for energetic performances from the entire company of local area youth.”

“The cast had been together only three short weeks, learning how to act, sing, and dance under the direction of Nancy Hillman as part of the first-ever summer drama class. The end result was a thoroughly enjoyable performance for the audience, and a confidence-building experience for Yelm area youth.

Lyra Van Dusen, 11, who played Lila and one of the siblings, tells what she has appreciated most about participating in Summerstruck.

‘I liked learning the dances and twirling,’ she said. ‘It’s a lot of fun because you get to pretend you are crazy. You get to be someone else for a while, and that is great.’

Her mother, Kelly Van Dusen, said, ‘It’s hard work but I think the reward is great as well. Twenty-seven children ages 8-18 pulling it all together, it’s impressive. Even doing the long hours, the kids learn they can do it. It’s been a really long day for them, but Lyra has become more confident and will talk about it for a long time.'”

“Alice Fairley, mother of Chambolion, 14, and Tahsis, 11, said the theater was a wonderful experience for both her and her children.

‘What’s been beautiful is a regular schedule to work with Nancy, which is unusual for summer,’ she said. ‘Nancy does a great job. When they see the end result — even with the hard work — it’s been really exciting for them.'”
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