Prison Inmates: “Unofficial” Ramtha Students –
Award winning book by Eric Remerowski credits Ramtha

Eric Remerowski

– UPDATE: March 12, 2015
Foreword Reviews announced today that Eric’s book, Escaping the Wheel: A Novel is a finalist in the Religious category for the 17th annual INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards.
“Each year, Foreword Reviews shines a light on a select group of indie publishers, university presses, and self-published authors whose work stands out from the crowd.”
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Eric’s book is also a finalist for the Montaigne Award as well as the Hoffer Grand Prize and the Da Vinci Award. Stay tuned.

By RSE Bookstore Manager Laura Eisen:
Throughout 2014, RSE students have been reminded that we live on a “prison planet.” For many people this is an odd and uncomfortable thought. Yet for a small portion of the students of the Ram, it is an unavoidable daily reality. They are incarcerated in one of the many physical prisons on our planet, sometimes for a few years and sometimes for a life sentence.

For over 25 years, RSE staff members have responded to dozens of letters each year from inmates incarcerated throughout the United States. The prisoners have heard of Ramtha and request books to study Ramtha’s teachings.

The following excerpt is from a letter written in 2011 by Eric Remerowski, an inmate in a Texas prison. It exemplifies the sentiment of many inmates after they have read Ramtha’s teachings:

“I’d like you and everyone there [at RSE] to know that Ramtha’s teachings have been the catalyst and the ‘missing link’ that has really changed my way of thinking. I’d already read and studied so much other material on spirituality and the true nature of reality, but Ramtha’s message and the way he conveys it has really made an impression on me. It’s brought everything else I’ve learned into proper perspective.”

In 2001, Eric was sentenced to 50 years in prison for aggravated robbery. His choice to apply Ramtha’s teachings have had a significant impact on his life. He has also assisted many fellow inmates. He created a blog, Saints Inside, and a website,, as resources for inspiration for other inmates with access to the Internet. His list of recommended reading includes The White Book as required reading.

In September 2014, Eric self-published Escaping the Wheel: A Novel (with his mother’s assistance since he remains in prison). Ramtha and The White Book are referenced in the novel. It is a poignant and thought-provoking work of fiction on par with Cloud Atlas. The storyline presents many truths about escaping lifetimes of emotional addictions in order to wake up to our greatness in this incarnation regardless of the adversities we face.

In a recent letter to RSE, Eric wrote: “Ramtha’s teachings encouraged and empowered me in here (prison). Because of what I learned through your books, I believed I could accomplish my dreams of writing a novel someday.”

– UPDATE: July 31, 2015
Escaping the Wheel Interactive Tip Sheet
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Click here to purchase “Escaping The Wheel: A Novel by Eric Artisan” [Artisan is Eric’s pen name] – also available in Yelm at JZ Rose and the Quantum Cafe.

Posted: November 20th, 2014 - Featured Articles, News Headlines, Ramtha

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