JZ recommends RFK, Jr’s. new book
“Thimerosal – Let the Science Speak”

– “Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak: An Analysis of the Scientific Literature on Mercury Toxicity in Vaccines and the Political, Regulatory, and Media Failures That Continue to Threaten Public Health”
“From two bestselling authors comes a hard look at how the mercury-containing Thimerosal is making vaccines dangerous.
Over a decade ago, following a sharp rise in developmental disorders such as autism and ADHD, the mercury-containing preservative Thimerosal was widely believed to have been eliminated from vaccine supplies in the US and abroad. However, dangerous quantities of Thimerosal continue to be used, posing a significant threat to public health and leading to a crisis of faith in vaccine safety.
In this groundbreaking book, authors Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Dr. Mark Hyman examine the research literature on Thimerosal and make a very clear statement about its potentially dangerous effects,” from Google books.
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– “This is Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s speech at the [NO on] SB277 rally that took place in Sacramento, California at the State Capitol on April 8, 2015,” quoting YouTube.
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